Types of Overland Tours

There are a variety of overland tours available, ranging from budget camping to comfortable accommodated tours. Size of groups can vary, depending on the size of the vehicle, style of tour and the route chosen.

Camping tours are suitable for those looking for a more participative trip. It’s an opportunity for those looking for a more hands-on experience. From erecting your tent, to helping prepare meals to general camp activities. The tents provided are usually 2 man dome tents, built for the rugged African terrain and large enough to comfortably handle two campers. Mattresses are provided and sleeping bags are necessary. An ideal option for the young at heart.

Accommodated tours are suitable for those looking for all the benefits of an overland tour, only more comfortable. Accommodation is mostly in ensuite rooms – and can vary from hotels, lodges, guesthouses and chalets – depending on the location. Participation on tour is limited and there is generally a dedicated cook. These tours appeal to all age groups.

About Detour Africa

The Gateway to Africa ~ looking for an adventure. We  provided vehicles, guides, information and a range of different tours into the African Mainland.