What should I tip my guide on tour?

If you are planning an Africa overland trip, you may wonder how much and when to tip. Tipping is a common practice in Africa, and it is an essential way of showing appreciation for excellent service. However, tipping culture can differ from country to country and the amount you tip will depend on the length of the trip and the service provided therefore it can be confusing to know the right amount to tip. We will provide you with tips on how much to tip and when to tip during your Africa overland trip.

General tipping in restaurants

It is expected and is around 10-15% for good service, more if you have received exceptional service, and, feel free not to tip at all if you received poor service.

How to tip on an overland tour

Tipping on an Africa overland trip is different from tipping in a restaurant or a hotel. You will be tipping a variety of people, from drivers to guides to porters. The amount you tip will depend on the service provided and the country you are visiting.

Your crew/guide can be tipped if you feel that they have done a good job and/or gone above and beyond the call of duty. The best way to arrange tips is to elect one person in the group to collect the money.

We recommend USD 2 - 3 per day per person, per guide as a fair tip. So if you have 2-crew on a tour, we would recommend that 2 envelopes are used and each crew member’s name written on one. Place what you feel is fair into each envelope and the elected person can give these to the crew at the end of the tour. If you do not feel that the crew deserves a tip, please, do not tip them. Please remember that tipping is only for exceptional service and is not at all compulsory or expected

Tipping in local currency

When tipping in Africa, it is best to tip in the local currency. This is because many people may not have access to foreign currency, and exchanging it can be expensive. It is also a sign of respect to tip in the local currency.

About Detour Africa

The Gateway to Africa ~ looking for an adventure. We  provided vehicles, guides, information and a range of different tours into the African Mainland.